Feeling rundown by the end of your workday? A power nap may be the ticket. Writer Melanie Pinola, in a recent feature for the Lifehacker Web site, covered the benefits that short naps can have for employees struggling to make it through the workday. You might be able to utilize Pinola’s research to argue for your very own workday snoozes.
10 to 20 Minutes
For instance, Pinola writes, a 10- to 20-minute nap in the middle of the day can make you feel energized and alert. Which, in turn, can make you a more productive employee.
The Wrong Choice
Conversely, a 30-minute nap may cause more bad than good. That’s because you’ll wake up from a nap of this length still groggy. You’ll find it difficult to focus. And the sensation could last for another 30 minutes.
The Best Choice?
The 60-minute nap, however, will help you remember facts, faces and names, Pinola writes. This length of nap includes slow-wave sleep, the deepest type of sleep you can have. Needless to say, getting the boss to approve a 60-minute nap in the heart of the workday might be a challenge.