Thinking about a Chromebook? Save your money

Does purchasing a Chromebook make financial sense? To this point, consumers haven’t flocked to the device. And ZDNet writer Larry Seltzer says that there’s a good reason for this: Buying a Chromebook just doesn’t make financial sense.


Sales on Chromebooks are quite sluggish thus far. Seltzer writes that the big problem with Chromebooks — and why consumers haven’t adopted them — is that they just don’t do enough to warrant the dollars they cost. As Seltzer writes, Chromebooks fail to do what most other laptops can. This is something that makes Chromebooks a poor choice.

Why hybrids rule

Seltzer recommends that consumers instead invest in hybrid laptops/tablets. These devices can perform a host of functions, with some, such as Microsoft’s Surface line, running Office programs. As outlined by Seltzer, there is nothing a Chromebook can do that a hybrid tablet/laptop can’t already do.


Seltzer points out that all a Chromebook actually does is run the Chrome Web browser. But, as he points out, a Windows laptop already does that. So does a MacBook. And the real innovations in today’s tech world are coming in the hybrid arena, he adds. Seltzer’s advice, then, is simple: Save the cash you would have spent on a Chromebook and spend it instead on a laptop/tablet combination.

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