E-mail can become overwhelming. It clogs up our inboxes and slows us down. Sometimes, we pound out replies as quickly as possible to clear out our inboxes, showing little thought to whatever we are writing. This really is ill-fated. There is a certain etiquette we ought to follow when sending e-mails. When we forget to mind our social manners, we could end up being disparaging or perplexing the recipients of our e-mail missives. Here, then, is a peek at some e-mail etiquette basics.
Sometimes you can be too brief
How many times have you received an extremely brief e-mail message? It’s easy to think that the sender is angry with you for some reason. But suppose the sender was sending the message using an iPhone or iPad? It isn’t a simple task to type on small mobile devices. And as a consequence, many of us keep our messages short when typing on those irritatingly restrictive pop-up keyboards. To let recipients understand that this is the cause for your brevity, come up with a specific signature for any e-mail accounts that you use on smartphones and tablets. According to the Web site Mashable, this signature should tell folks that you’re e-mailing from a mobile device, and that’s why your message is very short. Something like “Excuse my brevity; I’m typing this on my iPhone” should do the job.
Always reply
When your inbox is clogged, it’s easy to let some messages languish without a reply. You’re short on time. However, not answering an e-mail message from a co-worker, friend or family member is fairly rude. Even if you can’t yet tackle the actual question in an e-mail message, make sure you send back a quick reply explaining that you’re flooded with other tasks but will get to the question soon.
Be careful
Even the most careful of typists make some mistakes when they write e-mail messages too quickly. And no recipient wants to get an e-mail message filled with misspellings, incorrect words and typos. Slow down when writing your message. It’s a sign of politeness to take the time to make a clear, concise message.
Keep your voice down
Whatever you do, never send an e-mail message that is written entirely in capital letters. This is whats called shouting, and no one likes it. It’s easy to see why: A message in all caps is tough on the eyes. Instead, stick to the normal rules of capitalization when drafting your e-mail messages.