How to Use LinkedIn Business Pages Like a Pro

How to Use LinkedIn Business Pages Like a Pro

It was bound to happen: LinkedIn has grown from what was just a job board for business professionals, to a full-fledged alternative to Facebook and Google pages. People are actively sharing content and sharing resources, making ‘connections” that are turning out to be very useful for their business. LinkedIn now boasts more than 3 million company pages as well as some 225 million members, making it the internets’ top business professional network.

How your small business can use LinkedIn

There are numerous ways creating a business page on LinkedIn can help your brand. Let’s examine a few.

  • LinkedIn profiles and optimization – Optimizing your company page with brand specific keywords and content is vital for your profile page as well as any targeted pages, where you could show your wares. The LinkedIn audience is very sophisticated from a business standpoint, and your company profile is the place where you need to display your strengths. Also, bear in mind that profiles will show up in organic Google search, so it’s an online business card as well.
  • LinkedIn search is growing – Because these posts on LinkedIn can and will appear in both a LinkedIn search and also Google, you’ll wish to be consistent with any keywords you intend to rank for. Newer ways LinkedIn is enhancing search is thru the ability for LinkedIn admins to post as your brand, instead of as a single person. Other new tools include recent acquisition SlideShare, LinkedIn Influencers and Sponsored Updates, proving LinkedIn’s newfound commitment to search.
  • Create epic content – Making certain that you are posting your best when it comes to content is a must on LinkedIn. This can take many forms from your home page, product pages and videos.
  • Link out to social media – Amazingly two-thirds of the top 100 LinkedIn company pages do not link back to their own social channels from LinkedIn. This is a no-brainer, plus it has Google search rewards as well.

LinkedIn is not just a glorified job board these days. It’s a full-fledged and active social network with a business flavor. Start taking advantage of LinkedIn company pages today!

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