Do you practice bad tech habits? You may think you don’t. But you do you re-use passwords, neglect to back up files or regularly leave your tablet alone and in plain sight? Then you’re doing many of the most serious bad tech habits recently identified by PCWorld Magazine. If you’d like to protect your devices and yourself, you’ll study these bad habits and then make changes to your own behavior. It’s the best way to protect yourself when computing.
Easy Target
Several of the worst tech bad habits recognized by PCWorld cause you to be an easy target for thieves. For instance, do you leave your smart phones or tablets sitting in your booth in the coffee shop while you run to the counter to get another shortbread cookie? Leaving your devices unattended and in plain sight can make it easy for criminals to swiftly snatch them and disappear. Or let’s suppose you spend all of your waking minutes looking at your smart phone screen without taking notice of your surroundings? This bad tech habit can hurt, too. While you’re staring at your screen, you don’t see that suspicious guy walking near you. Before you expect it, the guy’s popped you in the nose, grabbed your smart phone and headed for the hills.
Bad Health
PCWorld also listed several bad tech habits that can hurt your health. For example, if you sit hunched before your computer screen all day long, you can create a serious case of carpal tunnel syndrome. And when you stare at your computer screen for too much time, you can develop headaches or damage your eyes. Lastly, if you hardly ever leave your desk during the workday, you could acquire everything from back pain to eye strain to headaches to fuzzy thinking. Stop these three bad habits and take short breaks from your computer screen throughout the workday. Your body will thank you.
Some of PCWorld’s bad tech habits can leave you without your most important files or expose your personal data to hackers. Do you use the same password for multiple Web sites? You may be in deep trouble, then, if a hacker cracks that password and gains access to the personal information you have stored at these sites. Do you make the serious mistake of not backing up your important files? If your computer’s hard drive should crash, you could possibly lose them all.