Do you depend on your iPhone to keep in touch with friends, surf the Internet, update your Facebook page and watch movies? Then you have to be wary of cyber crimes. Business Insider just recently presented the surprising news that Apple iPhones are the most often hacked mobile devices. And most surprising? iPhones are the most frequent victims of hackers by a wide margin.
Business Insider reports on the recent study “25 Years of Vulnerabilities” by Web security firm SourceFire. The report tracks how many Critical Vulnerabilities – also known as CREs – experienced by many different devices and software. When it came to mobile devices, Apple’s iPhone line had experienced far more hacks than does every other. The SourceFire report found 210 CVE reports on iPhone devices. In comparison, it found just 24 for Android devices.
What’s behind the difference? Why does the iPhone suffer so many more hack attacks? There isn’t any one simple answer. Business Insider, though, questions if the ongoing fascination with the iPhone is behind the higher numbers. Naturally, it makes sense that hackers would like to target one of the most popular mobile devices. There’s a problem with this argument, though. Last year, the buzz and market share of Android-powered mobile devices soared. But while this happened, the number of CVE reports on Android devices actually fell. So as the devices grew to become more popular, they suffered fewer attacks.
Another explanation?
In an interview with Web site ZDNet, the author of the SourceFire report theorized that hackers may target the iPhone because breaking into it is more challenging. Android devices feature an open platform. This means it is not too difficult for third-party and dangerous apps to be made accessible to consumers who download them on their own. That isn’t the case with Apple, which does not operate on an open platform.