Windows 8.1 unlikely to solve the OS’ problems

Has Microsoft made Windows 8 much better with its Windows 8.1 tweak? Not really, says David Pogue, tech writer for the New York Times. In a recent sneak peek of the tweak, Pogue writes that if you’re not a fan of Windows 8, you probably won’t like Windows 8.1, either.

The problems

First, Windows 8.1 doesn’t bring back the Start menu. Users who want it will still have to install a third-party app that restores it.

Two worlds

Secondly, Windows 8.1 still doesn’t know if it’s a touch-screen or mouse-and-keyboard system. The system’s TileWorld section works the best for touchscreens. But its Desktop section is definitely made to be navigated with a mouse and keyboard. By splitting itself in two like this, Windows 8.1 doesn’t make anyone happy.

A disappointment

Pogue’s advice is simple: If you aren’t a fan of Windows 8, don’t purchase Windows 8.1. You won’t become a fan of it, either. Our advice? Stay with Windows 7. That’s an excellent operating system.

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