Why tech-less meetings should be your goal

Do laptops and tablets hijack your work meetings? Do employees waste time checking e-messages, tweeting their friends and scanning news headlines instead of paying attention to your plan to boost profits? Well, you’re far from alone. Technology has ruined many a work meeting.

Turn off the tech

Jake Knapp, though, has a solution for you. He’s a design partner with Google Ventures. And in a newly released column for the Medium Web site, Knapp suggests that bosses forbid employees from dragging technology into meetings. Bosses who do this will likely noticeably boost the actual amount of work that will get done during these meetings.

No gadgets

Knapp recommends that employees say goodbye to their laptops, smartphones and tablets before entering a meeting. This makes sure that they give attention to what you’re announcing and not a raunchy joke sent to them by their best buddy.

The timer is key

To ease the jitters of your now tech-less workers, Knapp proposes setting up a timer where everyone can see it. Now, your staff understand that there’s a stop time for the meeting. When that timer goes off? Keep your end of the deal; end the meeting.

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