Do laptops and smartphones hijack your work meetings? Do employees spend time checking e-messages, tweeting their friends and scanning news headlines rather than listening to your plan to boost profits? Well, you’re not alone. Technology has impaired many a work group meeting.
Going low-tech
Jake Knapp, though, has a answer for you. He’s a design partner with Google Ventures. And in a recent column for the Medium Web site, Knapp suggests bosses forbid employees from dragging technology into meetings. Bosses who do this will likely substantially boost the actual amount of work that will get done within these meetings.
No gadgets
Here’s what Knapp says shouldn’t be allowed in meetings: laptops, tablets or smartphones. Yes, all of the good stuff. Workers ought to keep those devices at their desks.
An end time
To alleviate the anxiety of your now tech-less workers, Knapp proposes setting up a timer where everyone can see it. So now, your employees know that there’s an end time for the meeting. And when that timer goes off? Keep your end of the bargain; end the meeting.