Wouldn’t it be awesome if playing video games were actually good for you? Well, you’re in luck. A recent New York Times story reported on a new study showing that playing simple video games might actually make your brain younger.
According to the story, a fairly easy video game requiring players to swerve around cars and pick out road signs can improve the short-term memory and long-term focus of older adults. Amazingly, the story says, some players as old as 80 began showing the same neurological patters of people in their 20s.
It Doesn’t Fade
And the best news? This benefit didn’t end once the video game did. Researchers told the Times that participants benefitted from the younger-brain attributes when carrying out normal day-to-day activities.
Space Invaders for life?
So, it might be time for our older readers to crack out their long-abandoned copies of Pac-Man and Space Invaders. Whatever helps build a younger brain ought to be embraced. If it takes a few hours of shooting down aliens or gobbling dots to do it? That’s even better.