There was a point in time when e-mail was considered cutting-edge tech. Before that, businesses were considered tech-savvy if they had their own fax machines. Technology, though, is continually evolving. What companies needed three years ago is nowhere near what they need today to thrive. CIO Magazine, obviously, recognizes this. That’s why the magazine so emphasized the evolving nature of technology when it listed its top tech trends for businesses. The trends the magazine’s editors cited will certainly change the way businesses work in 2013. If you’re a wise company leader, you’ll pay particularly close attention to them.
Hospitals and BYOD
Last year, according to CIO Magazine, the BYOD movement took hold in small businesses throughout the country. This movement, standing for bring your own device, allowed more employees to bring their laptops and tablets to their offices, get connected to a secure network and complete their tasks using their own devices. The benefits? Employees work faster when they’re working on their own devices, increasing their productivity. And businesses spend less by not having to provide desktop computers for all of the workers. This year, CIO Magazine predicts, more companies will embrace BYOD. We’ll even see employees at hospitals and other highly secure businesses working on their personal iPads and laptops.
3-D Printing Continues to Soar
3-D printing shot to popularity last year, with a growing number of businesses turning to high-tech printers to fashion plastic parts and device components. This year, 3-D printing stands to turn into an even more common tool among tech-savvy businesses. 3-D printing is an amazing technology. And businesses who recognize this can stay a step ahead of their competitors.
The End of Passwords?
Tired of memorizing dozens of passwords? Don’t worry. The editors at CIO Magazine predict that passwords will soon go the way of the milkman. As more companies, recognizing how easy it can be for hackers to crack most passwords, will depend on biometric security. As CIO explains, biometrics uses the iris of your eye, your voice or your fingerprints as security. No one can get into your pc or important accounts just by guessing that your password is your son’s name.</p