computer with file cabinet on screen

How to Securely Store Files on Your Computer

From viruses and ransomware to phishing scams and user error, there are many potential threats to the files on your computer. Stolen, corrupted, or lost files can be disastrous for personal or work data. Whether your computer is for personal use, work-related tasks, or a combination of both, is it important to know how to securely store files on your computer. As leading providers of cyber security services, the team at Next Hop Solutions understands how important data security is for all users. That is why our team has compiled a list of 4 tips to help you enhance data security on your computer and keep your files safe.

Learn about the different types of data backup.

4 Tips to Enhance Data Security on Your Computer

Follow these tips to ensure that your files remain safe and accessible whenever you need them:

1. Keep Your Computer & Router Updated

Your computer and internet router will both require regular updates to ensure that they are sufficiently equipped to handle various threats. Older versions of operating systems and firmware can contain exploitable vulnerabilities, so it is worth checking to ensure that your devices are running on the most recent version/update.

2. Follow Password Best Practices

Weak passwords are one of the most common culprits for data loss and corruption. That is why it is important to establish a strong password for your computer and each of your online accounts. According to best practices, your password should be at least 8 characters long and contain a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. You should also use a different password for each account/device. To keep track of these complex passwords, consider using a password manager application that can be accessed from your computer or phone.

3. Encrypt Your Hard Drive

Most Windows-based work laptops use BitLocker to encrypt their local files. Encryption is the process that scrambles readable text so it can only be read by the person who has the decryption key, making it a great method of protection. If your computer does not have BitLocker, many other third-party applications can perform a similar function such as antivirus software and VPN programs.

4. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA or MFA) protects your account by requiring you to enter a security code, a physical USB authentication key, or your fingerprint whenever you attempt to log in to an account. If a hacker manages to steal your password, they will likely be unable to access your device or account as they will not have access to the security code or your biometric information. Though it takes a few extra seconds each time, it is well worth it for the extra protection.

To learn more about data protection and methods for securing your computer, get in touch with the experts at Next Hop Solutions. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products and services.

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