How small businesses can use tech for a more profitable year

How to give your small business an edge in today’s competitive world? Make the right investments in technology. The appropriate technology helps make your staff more productive. It can help you better reach and understand your potential customers. And it can shield your business from hackers and thieves. recently ran a story exploring the most important tech trends for small business owners in 2014. You’d be wise to study these trends. They might help your business be more profitable in 2014 and beyond.

The cloud matters

One sure bet? According to SmallBusinessComputing, the time is right for small businesses to invest in cloud computing. With the cloud, businesses can store their software, programs and data externally rather than on their computers’ hard drives. This can make businesses more efficient; they won’t have to panic every time their network crashes.

Big data

Large companies have been analyzing big data sets for years to better understand the needs and wants of their clients. There’s no reason, then, why small business owners shouldn’t tap the power of big data, too. predicts that this year more small businesses will do just that. You should, too. By analyzing large sets of data, you can better understand the steps your small business needs to take to better serve its customers.

Junk those desktops

Desktop computers are expensive. And, increasingly, they are not required by most employees. As says, the majority of employees today can get most of their work done on smaller laptops or mobile devices. Others can share desktops with their fellow workers. It’s time for your business to look at reducing the number of desktops it uses…and pays for.

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