Hire the Best Employees by Changing your Interview Strategy

There are lots of people searching for jobs today. However, as an employer, you’re not looking for just anyone. You want to hire the best, most creative employees to work at your business. You recognize that your company is only as strong as your workers. How do you hire the best people? It all starts with the interview.

It’s vital that you create a job interview strategy that pin points what you’re looking for in an employee. If you ask the same cookie cutter questions that everyone else does, you are going to get cookie cutter answers.

Ask the Right Questions

Start by asking the right questions. Don’t ask candidates what their job titles were at past positions. Don’t ask them what their duties were. Rather, ask them to list any imaginative ideas that they developed for their previous employers. Ask them if these ideas helped their employers earn more money, operate more efficiently, or reduce expenses.

One of the most typical questions to ask a candidate concerns their strengths and weaknesses. Try to avoid asking them to list these; most people have predetermined answers. Instead ask them what they bring to the culture of a company, or ask them what they do to make their job more satisfying. The responses you get to these types of questions will assist you to gauge the actual resourcefulness of the person you are interviewing.

If you truly want to see which of your candidates are the most creative, give them a simple task to perform. It doesn’t have to be complex; you can ask them to write an essay explaining how they would approach their job if hired. You could ask them to write down their ideas on what their ideal workspace would look like. Ask them to come up with new names for company services or products. Basically, ask them anything that will get their creative juices flowing.

Employers have an advantage in today’s job market. They can choose from among some of the top job seekers available, but to find the best people, employers have to first change the way they carry out their job interviews.

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