Don’t get off track. Download these biz apps today

There are many keys to running a successful small business. One of the most important? The owners of small businesses need to be organized. It’s too easy to otherwise miss a critical task. Fortunately, the iPhone — a tool of choice for many small business owners — offers several apps which can help business owners organize their time more efficiently. The Web site Business News Daily highlights several of the best.

A new calendar

The price is right for calendar app Fantastical 2: It costs just $1.99. That’s a bargain given that this calendar app is far more advanced than the stock iPhone calendar app that comes with all iPhones. The most appealing feature? You can speak into your iPhone — saying something such as “Meet Joe for lunch at 1 p.m. on Wednesday — and the app will automatically convert that into a calendar listing. That’s a true time-saving device.

Scheduling made more powerful

The schedules of business owners can easily become chaotic. A good scheduling app is a must. The free Schedule Planner app is a great one. Business News Daily has lots of nice things to say about Schedule Planner: It’s simple to learn, easy to use and provides several powerful features. A clever feature? Business owners can assign colors to different tasks: Red can mean meetings, blue can mean sales calls and orange can mean down time. The app then generates charts to let you know the amount of time you’re devoting to each activity. This is a good way for business owners to assess their priorities and make changes as needed.

A higher-tech to-do list

Another free app, mixes a traditional to-do list and adds some functionality that will help you check tasks off your daily to-do list. Using this app, you can add tasks to four different categories: today, tomorrow, this week or someday. You eliminate tasks by crossing them out as you complete them. As Business News Daily writes, this app can make planning your busy day, at least, easy.

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