Working from home has become a necessary part of many jobs for a variety of industries. With so many individuals working from home and remotely accessing company data, cybersecurity has never been more important. As leading providers of cybersecurity services, the experts at Next Hop Solutions have compiled some important cybersecurity tips for working from home. Following these tips will help to ensure optimal cybersecurity in any environment, protecting confidential information and keeping your devices safe.
Learn what cybersecurity is and how it works.
Tips to Optimize Cybersecurity for Your Home Office
If you are accessing company data or confidential information from home, you need to ensure that your device and connection are secure. The following tips can optimize cybersecurity for any home office:
Use a VPN
When working remotely, all employees should utilize a VPN. This is especially true if employees need to connect to company networks or remote desktops. A VPN encrypts all internet traffic, making it completely unreadable to hackers or other cybercriminals. This protects any sensitive or confidential company information in the event that it is intercepted.
Avoid Public Wi-Fi
Though most Wi-Fi networks are fairly secure, some public networks are easy for cybercriminals to exploit. If a network does not require a password to connect to it, it is best to avoid it. Only use Wi-Fi networks that require passwords when working remotely.
Use Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication
One of the leading causes of cybercrime and hacking is that passwords are often too easy to guess. Users also tend to use the same password for all accounts if they can. This means that if a hacker obtains a password for one account, they have it for all of them. When working remotely, use strong passwords that have a combination of capital letters, numbers, and special characters (if allowed). In addition to strong passwords, companies should consider investing in two-factor authentication for employee connections. This adds another powerful layer of security to further deter hackers.
Remember to Create Backups
If an employee is affected by a virus or ransomware, they could lose all data on their computer. All important files and information should be regularly backed up to a cloud-based server or external storage device. This ensures that no data is permanently lost.
Ensure you Have a Firewall or Antivirus Program
Firewalls are often the first line of defense between a computer and cyber threats. Ensure that your work or personal computer’s firewall is active and functioning properly. For additional protection, consider purchasing a reputable and advanced antivirus program. The combination of these two elements can keep most systems safe from nearly any threat.
To learn more about cybersecurity and how to stay safe while working from home, reach out to the experts at Next Hop Solutions. We can be reached at 1-855-482-5141 or through our online contact form and will be happy to assist you.