Check Out These 5 Easy to Make Social Media Mistakes

These days we all know that social media isn’t an option, but a necessity, but on the other hand many aren’t sure how to do it with any degree of effectiveness.

All too often we blunder into it, and not just fail to generate any results we can point to, but may in many cases actually hurt our own brands by unwittingly making several all too easy to make mistakes. Let’s take a look at what these mistakes are, and how you can avoid them.

5 Social media marketing mistakes to avoid

  • Not enough visuals – Let’s face it, we enjoy visual content. Whether it’s a video, image or infographic, visuals are apt to engage your audience in so many more ways, and for the better as well. And understand that it often doesn’t even have to be your own content you’re sharing; although you should not make it a habit to post only others visuals.
  • Selling too much – No one likes to be constantly sold to, and please don’t treat your social followers this way. They will quickly leave, so you have no one to talk to!
  • Deleting negative entries – If you are seen as excising any negative comment from your pages, it will swiftly come back to bite you. People will wonder if what is being said about your company is true, and you’ve just passed on a great opportunity to shine through providing exceptional customer service.
  • Buying likes and followers – This seems like a great idea, but actually, those thousands of followers you bought for $5 don’t give a hoot about you, and there is nothing more damning than going to a page with thousands of followers and virtually no other engagement. Oops.
  • LikeBait – Similarly, crafting controversial or enticing headlines to generate tons of likes and shares, while sharing little of real value other than a cleverly worded headline is a sure way to send readers scampering for the exit. So much so, that recently Facebook announced they are putting a fix in their algorithm to curb this.

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