Bigger tax breaks coming to small businesses that invest in new tech

It’s not easy to operate a successful small business today. You’re faced with escalating costs, sometimes unreliable employees, and competition from name-brand businesses with far deeper pockets. But at least your business can take advantage of larger tax breaks for investing in new technology. BizTech Magazine recently covered how new tax breaks created through the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 can help your business boost its technology while paying less for it.

A big tax break

The tech-spending tax break within the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 is an important one. It allows businesses to write off up to $500,000 worth of technology and equipment acquisitions in 2013. That’s a large amount, and it might motivate more business owners to spend money on new computers, energy efficient lighting, payroll software and analyzing tools. And these new tech purchases might help these small business owners grow their bottom lines.


The American Taxpayer Relief Act also retroactively enables businesses to write off a greater amount of new tech and equipment expenses from 2012. As outlined by BizTech Magazine, small businesses can now deduct up to $500,000 of the new tech and equipment purchases they made last year. It is an increase from the former limit of $139,000, and can provide an additional financial boost to business owners.

What it means

The higher deduction limit can help small businesses succeed in what has turned out to be an ever more competitive business environment. One way for businesses to give themselves an edge is by investing in the latest technology and equipment. The taxpayer relief act deduction give small business owners the chance to do this without having to spend as much of their hard-earned dollars to do so.

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