Are you a desktop or Web-based e-mail person?

Are you a user of Web-based e-mail like Gmail or Yahoo!? Or do you favor a desktop e-mail client like Postbox, Outlook or Sparrow? Each e-mail option features pluses and negatives. As a recent story by the Lifehacker Web site says, some computer users would do better using a desktop e-mail client while others will thrive with a Web-based e-mail system. Are you currently debating over whether to install that latest desktop e-mail client? Or are you contemplating signing up for Gmail? Deciding if Web-based or desktop e-mail is best for you requires a close look at your computing habits.

Is a Desktop e-mail client right for you?

How do you know if you’re a good fit for a desktop e-mail system? Lifehacker provides this checklist: First, you manage a number of different e-mail accounts with different domains. Secondly, you frequently need to access your e-mail messages even when you’re not online. Third, you make use of advanced filtering, filtering your e-mail messages and assigning them to folders based on the sender, subject header and specific keywords. Finally, you’re an e-mail security buff, using security measures such as digital signing and encryption when sending and receiving e-mail messages.

When Web-based makes sense

For some people, though, Web-based e-mail services make the most sense. Lifehacker states that those people who have only a few e-mail addresses and preferring to operate with a single unified inbox should choose Web-based services like Gmail. Web-based services also make sense for people who aren’t permitted to download a desktop client to the computers they use at school or work. Finally, those users who feel safer having their e-mail messages saved in the cloud are good candidates for Web-based e-mail.

The best news of all

There is plenty of excellent news, though, whether you prefer Web-based e-mail or desktop clients. There are plenty of impressive programs which help you manage your e-mails more effectively, regardless of how you choose to access them. Gmail, for instance, is just one of a number of Web-based mail programs that offer you great capability to organize and manage your inbox. The previously mentioned Postbox and Sparrow perform the same, but in a desktop form.

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