The Influence of the Tablet

Technology is consistently changing our lives. It happens so rapidly and seamlessly that we hardly notice.   It wasn’t long ago that stores used a manual machine to make a carbon imprint of your credit card whenever you made a purchases. Those machines are nearly obsolete thanks to WiFi technology and tablets. An individual can now purchase an attachment for their tablet that allows them to scan credit cards virtually anywhere.

Making credit card purchases is not the only way the tablet has changed business. It has in some cases fundamentally influenced the way many businesses operate. Here are a few examples of companies that have come up with some innovative uses for tablets.

 A high-end Italian restaurant in New York City called De Santos has given their entire wait staff iPad 2s. The staff uses them to take orders and even swipe your credit card after the meal. The thought is that this will reduce mistakes and increase efficiency.

Puma has developed an interactive tool called The Creative Factory for stores in Asia, Africa, and Europe. At these stations customers use specially programmed iPads to design their own unique sneakers, see shoes designs from across the globe, and even learn a little about the other designers. People round the globe are connecting though creativity and footwear thanks to Puma.

You will find no storefront or store clerks at SHOPBOX, an addition to the DeKalb Market in Brooklyn. You will, however, find items for sale in shipping containers with glass sides. On the end of the container an iPad is secured for shoppers to register and then text what they want to purchase. The products are shipped directly to their homes. How’s that for window-shopping!

People will continue to find innovative uses for tablets as technology improves. It may eventually become outdated to have a wait staff in restaurants and future generations may wonder what the purpose of a mall was. It is the nature of the world to change, and the more advanced technology gets the faster change happen. Maybe one day we’ll get teleportation devices after all.

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