See How You Can Coax More Clicks from Your Social Media Postings

It’s hard enough to make sure you fit enough time into your day to make your social media efforts happen. It’s a tragedy if all of that effort is wasted!

So after all the effort to make sure you’re posting regularly to your special mix of social media channels, whatever that is for your business, you find that these posts are not producing what you hope, namely clicks to whatever it is you want to send them to, you’re ready to pull out your hair and chuck the whole social media initiative into the trash can.

Instead, take a look at a few ways you can coax a click from your readers, and start making social media work the way it’s supposed to.

3 Ways to get more clicks from your social media posts

Ask for the click and share – Above all, the best way to get more clicks from your social media posts is to simply ask for them. Carefully compose your calls to action so that there’s no question what you want and need them to do. This goes for sharing, too. Subconsciously, if you make the suggestions they’ll be far more likely to act upon it.

Include imagery – We are a visual bunch, loving our videos and pictures. Make sure to incorporate compelling images and videos in your posts for the best results possible. In some cases, even the promise of a video can do the trick, by having a static video image that clicks through to your video, wherever it is you want that to be.

What’s in it for me? – People need a strong reason to click through. This is where you can make the decision very easy for them by offering a helpful bribe that practically guarantees the click. The only way this doesn’t work is if your call to action is weak or nonexistent, or you don’t deliver real, relevant value. There’s nothing that will draw the wrath of a reader faster than a marketer who is attempting to deceive, so be sure the bribe matches their interests.

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