Uncovering the most common tech myths

Do you believe your Mac will never get a virus? Think emptying your recycle bin permanently erases a file? Or maybe you think private browsing means your bosses won’t know you wasted half the morning visiting TMZ.com? If so, you’ve fallen for three of the more widespread tech myths.


Caroline Moss, a writer with Business Insider, recently covered a number of the more prevalent technology myths. One of the most persistent? The thought that Mac computers are safe from viruses. The reality is that they’re not. Now that Macs are gaining popularity, you can wager that a growing number of hackers are lining up to aim their viruses at Apple’s operating system.

The recycle bin

Many users think that emptying their recycle bins will completely destroy any files in it. This isn’t always true, Moss said. Deleting these files will clear up the space on your hard drive that they once took up. But even emptying the recycle bin leaves behind fragments of files that can subsequently be retrieved.

Private browsing

Finally, there’s private browsing. You may think that telling your browser to go incognito enables you to surf the Web anonymously. It’s true that private browsing does allow you to surf without leaving virtual footprints. But the Web sites you visit can still record your presence. And whenever you download files in incognito mode they’ll remain on your machine even after you return to regular browsing.

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