What smartphone to buy? Does it even matter?

There certainly are a lot of smartphones available today. Walk into an electronics store and the choices can seem overwhelming. But Jesus Diaz, a writer for the lifehacker Website, says not to let the variety of phones throw you. The way he sees it, it doesn’t matter which smartphone you purchase.

All Alike?

Diaz says you could move to a new smartphone tomorrow and barely notice a difference. And he offers some persuasive evidence to back up this belief.

The Similarities

It’s easy to see Diaz’s point. All smartphones today enable you to watch movies, communicate through social media, surf the Web and send and receive e-mail messages. Most apps are accessible for all smartphone platforms.

Maybe Not?

But not everyone at lifehacker agrees with Diaz. Those who disagree say that certain smartphones feature better cameras and more powerful batteries. And, despite what Diaz says, not every app is available for each and every platform. Windows Phone users, for example, have a more limited app selection. Who’s right? You’ll have to determine that one for yourself.

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